Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween fun part 2 / Halloween!!!

We had a fun time carving pumpkins as a family. The girls of course were grossed out with the idea of taking out the pumpkins insides, but Kaylin actually was a little more willing to do it then Madi was.
Halloween turned out alright. Would of been much better if the weather would of decided to cooperate but the girls did go trick or treating the night before at Bills dads work so they weren't missing out on getting candy. They had plenty. We went to Bills sisters house and had a nice time. Lots of good food and fun games. Kaylin did not cooperate though when it came to pictures. Every time I brought out the camera she would either scowl or start crying. Really irritating but what can you do. I made the girls fairy costumes this year. I thought they turned out really cute for my first time. :)

My pumpkin was the spider one and Bills was the wolf one.

She really was being so crabby with pictures. lol

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Fun!!!

So far we have been having a lot of fun doing pre-Halloween activities. We went to Cornbellys at Thanksgiving Point the girls loved it. I went with Emily and her kids and they all had a blast. There was tons of fun activities for them to do. Kaylin was scared of the cow train of course. I hope she learns to enjoy rides soon. lol Then after Cornbellys we went over to the neighbors house and did fun caramel apples. We tried to do them all fancy like the ones you can buy in the stores. Our first attempt turned out alright not as good as the ones you buy but good enough for me. :) I hope the next time I try to attempt doing apples I will be able to make them look a little more professional. Madi decorated her own which is very decorated as you can tell in the picture. Kaylin slept through all of the apple decorating she must of been worn out from all the playing at Cornbellys. Still tons of fun activities planned ahead before actual Halloween comes. I love this time of year. It is my favorite!!!

Kaylin passed out.

Madi's apple.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kaylins 2!!!

Kaylin turned 2 on Sept 22nd. I ended up throwing her a party on the Sat after her birthday which was the 25th. Everything turned out alright even though it didn't go exactly as planned. I tried to make flower balloons that I saw on the internet but the helium wouldn't keep them floating because I couldn't blow them up too big or I couldn't tie them up around eachother. So I ended up wasting money on the helium tank cause I ended up having to tape them to the walls. Oh well. Kaylin had fun and was spoiled as always. So I guess that is all that really matters in the end. :) I love my baby Kaylie. I can't imagine life without her. Thanks again for those who came and helped make her birthday memorable. :)

Her new barbie bike.

This was my attempt at making the flowers.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Creative Academy

Madi is finally old enough to be in Pre-school. It is called the Creative Academy Pre-school. She goes every Tues and Thurs from 12:30 to 3 p.m. She is totally loving every minute of it. The first day she cried when I went to pick her up because she wanted to stay. Luckily that only happened the first day. Her teachers name is Kathleen Lange. She use to work at Head Start for several years. So I am totally confident with her teaching skills. Here are a couple pics of her first day of school. Enjoy!!

Madi with her teacher.

Monday, July 19, 2010


So for those who haven't heard the terrible story yet Madi broke her arm about a week ago. While I was at work and poor Bill was on kid duty Madi decided it would be a great idea to ride this caterpillar rocking toy down the stair. As you can tell it didn't work out very well for her. Once I got home all of Sunday I watched to see if it looked broken. She didn't act like it was hurting her too much. She was using her left hand a lot more then her right but she could move all her fingers and still used the right hand. There wasn't any swelling or bruising happening. So I thought maybe she sprained it or just hurt it a little bit. The next day there was some swelling and bruising so I took her in and sure enough it was fractured. She is definitely a brave one though cause she hasn't cried at all about it. So she will have to wear this cast for 3 weeks. Lucky for her the cast is water proof so she can still enjoy summer.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Puppy Love / Happy 4th of July!!!

Well this week had been a crazy exciting one. I have been looking on ksl everyday for awhile now for the perfect kitten for my girls and finally ended up finding my dream dog. So much for the kitty right. lol So for a early birthday present from Bill and my family I ended getting Khloe, my pomeranian puppy. She is 10 weeks old and super playful. She doesn't bark at all. So all those who say lap dogs are super yappy I honestly think it depends on the dog. Potty training has been crazy. So if anyone knows any good tricks please let me know. Madi and Kaylin are super excited to have a puppy to play with. :)
4th of July ended up being great. Good food that everyone brought. I ended up being in charge of the dessert. I made strawberry-banana pie. It turned out delicious even though I had a few trials along the way with it. lol Basically I was an airhead and started putting all the layers into the pie and realized I hadn't even cooked the pie crust yet. UUGGHH So I had to remake the layers and put them into the cooked crust again. lol But it was a hit so thanks Heidi for the recipe. :) We had fun playing games, that Becca and I dominated at, and of course fireworks at the end. My 4th was excellent I hope all of you had a great holiday too.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Melanie, Julie, and their kids came over to see my new house and so we could let the kids burn some energy playing. It ended up being a really nice day outside perfect for swimming. With all the kids help I was able to get the swimming pool finally blown up ready for playing in. The water was freezing so their was a lot of screaming mostly from the girls. lol But I think the kids had fun. Thanks Mel and Julie for coming to play. We need to play again soon. :)

Kaylin had more fun on the bike then in the pool.

Ammon was the first to slide into the pool.

McCall and Madi

Madi, Ammon, McCall

McCall and Madi laying out. The typical girl thing to do. :)

Go Madi go.

Baby Beckam so cute and full of smiles.

McCall, Caitlin, Ammon, and Madi

Bosten was all about the ball.

McCall and Madi

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Ok everyone who has been waiting here is a pic of my new house. I live in Santaquin now. So far I love it. It has been a really nice change. Eventually once house is completely put together I will take pics of the inside for those who are interested in seeing it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Easter with the girls was so much fun. I loved their dresses!! Naartjie seriously has the cutest clothes for girls. I love that store. Well poor Bill ended up missing the Easter egg hunt because he wasn't feeling good. The girls had a lot of fun though. Kaylin kept dumping her eggs out and finding them again and again. It was pretty funny.

Hanging out with their cousin Seth.